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To Donate to the Fabrique of Corpus Christi Parish

CanadaHelps is a well-trusted organization representing 86,000 charities across Canada, including many parishes in the Archdiocese of Montreal. We are now registered as a charity with CanadaHelps, allowing you to donate using your credit card or PayPal.

CanadaHelps will provide the tax receipts

Automatic Pre-Authorised Direct Deposit

As with any agreement authorizing regular payments to a business or other institution, these Pre-Authorized Debit payments (PAD's) allow you to directly transfer your contributions, on a recurring basis or as one-time payments. Parishioners at Corpus Christi have the choice of a weekly contribution (withdrawn on Fridays) or monthly (transferred on the first business day of the month). Of course, you may cancel this agreement at any time by advising our office.

Upon completion, please attach a sample specimen of a void cheque and return both to the parish office - by scanning and emailing these to the parish office at

You can also drop them off at the parish office mailbox or mail it via regular post to:

Corpus Christi Parish, 16 Pacific Avenue, Senneville, QC H9X 1A3


We have made it even easier for you to make a donation to our parish, direct from your bank account. We have now added Interac E-transfer as another means of showing your support for the parish.

The e-mail address to which to send the funds is
Please remember to send the answer to your security question to the same e-mail address.

Please note that advertisers may use the same means to remit payments.

Parish Envelopes

You may request parish envelopes to simplify the attribution of your donations to you for the production of annual tax receipts* to apply for charitable income-tax credits.

Upon completing the Parish Registration Form, you can return it by scanning and emailing it to the parish office at

You can also drop them off at the parish office mailbox or mail it via regular post to:

Corpus Christi Parish, 16 Pacific Avenue, Senneville, QC H9X 1A3

*The parish gives all donors an annual summary compiling their eligible donations for a charitable income-tax credit. This annual tax credit can result in a larger tax return. For more detailed information on tax credits from your donations to the parish, please contact the office.


An excellent way for you to support Corpus Christi Parish is to leave us a bequest in your will. Gifts can
   • bank accounts
   • investments in shares and bonds
   • guaranteed investment certificates
   • land or buildings
   • the residual amount of your retirement plan or life insurance at your death, etc.

Bequests can also have a specific purpose such as having Masses said in your memory. A significant benefit is the lasting legacy you will leave to the parish.

To remember us in your will, please consult your financial advisor and/or notary.

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