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Belief in the Bible

The Liturgy Committee of Corpus Christi Catholic Church promotes and strengthens the spiritual well being and liturgical life of the parish family. The committee supports and develops the faith life of our community through word, sacrament, music, environment and hospitality. The Liturgy Committee members include the coordinators of: Altar servers, Extraordinary Ministers, Lectors, Music Ministry, Greeters and Ushers, and the Sacristan.

Pastoral guide: Fr. Stephen Diraviam

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are privileged to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to the congregation at Mass. They may also bring the Eucharist to parishioners who are homebound. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion require a special grace and love of the gospel and our Lord in order to practice the sharing of our Lord with others.
Coordinator: Catherine Barrowcliffe
Formation: Fr. Stephen Diraviam

Lectors proclaim the Word of God during our Liturgies. They are parishioners gifted with a clear speaking voice, willing to share their love for the Word of God and willing to spend time preparing to proclaim the Word.
Coordinator: Catherine Barrowcliffe

Our choir participates and enhances our Liturgies through the gift of their voices. They also assist and encourage our worshiping community to express their faith through song. The greater the number of voices participating in our music ministry, the more we are united in prayer to receive God's gifts of love and graces. Join us in our music ministry!


Altar Servers:
Altar servers assist the Celebrant at the altar during the Mass. Serving provides a share in parish life in a special way. Youth are encouraged to join and enrich their faith and understanding of the Liturgy.

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